Home The Blame Goes to Me

The Blame Goes to Me

What does it give to matter
And deserve something much greater
You just cannot see yourself as free
Free from pressure that makes you feel like a creep

The pain I feel inside
Does not seem to go
To let me live freely
You feel like a loser
Who has tried all his life
But now only has the will to give up and die
You see everyone else happy and satisfied
With what they possess and sincerely lack
Then you see yourself and question why
It is the way it has been from a long time
The fear which has lived inside your mind
Continues this cycle like an endless tide

The struggles have worn you out
Still you continue to live
Hoping for an end to this pain and ache
But the blame keeps returning for you to carry
Of the situation you have placed yourself in comfortably

This post is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 by the author.

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